Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Spellbinders 12 Days Of Stichmas Advent Calendar

 Hello everyone.  I hope you are all well.

I am still taking reservations for the BetterPress society (July - December 2025) if anyone is interested.

Today's offering is one of my very favorite Advent Calendars.  If you love to stitch on paper, this is the set for you. However, it also works ok if you don't stitch with the dies at all (But you really must try the stitching!  It isn't hard at all. It is basic stitches and the dies indicate the direction of the stitches.)  The dies have lots of layering pieces to make the most darling little creations.  They can be ornaments or focal points on cards....they are just so charming.

ADV-008 Spellbinders 12 Days of Stitchmas 12 Day Advent Calendar   $74.99 

Please send your reservations to

Remember, these will not be released until later in the year. You are just reserving your calendar now to make sure you get one.

If you want to see inspiration from last years Stitchmas Calendar look here:  https://spellbindersblog.com/?s=12+Days+Of+Stitchmas
Prepare to be amazed!
(PS If you want the 2024 Stitchmas Calendar after seeing the above post, I can still order them (at least at this moment I can).  They are also $74.99) 

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