Sunday, March 2, 2025

Time for the next Sign-ups for the BetterPress Society

It is already time where I have to hand in the sign-ups for the BetterPress Society from July through December 2025.  Last year this is where all the holiday themed Press plates were.  They are my favorite.


 Each month, society members will receive a new press plate that isn’t available anywhere else, as well as project inspiration and images. Customers are excited and delighted to have this opportunity to build their BetterPress plate collection by joining the Society, and you can see all the excitement in the BetterPress Society Facebook Group.

It is time to sign up for the next installment of the BetterPress Society. This exclusive membership runs from July through December of 2025. Members have a six-month commitment when joining. The membership starts in July 2025, but I have to commit to a six-month order in a few days. So, this is why I am getting a count as to who wants to join. Spellbinders promises lots of inspiration and occasional accessories that will go with these BetterPress plates. They are very limited in the amount they will produce.

I will bill you monthly for the plates and I don't need a down payment as I trust you will honor your 6-month commitment. I had several people want to join this club after the fact, so please join now if interested. It is well worth the cost. In regards to cost, the plates are $24.99 per month.  Add on items are an extra expense and it is up to you if you wish to purchase the add-ons or not.

If you wish to join the BetterPress Society, email me at and I will reserve you a membership!

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