Friday, June 21, 2024

HoneyBee Stamps Pre Order

Hello friends.  I think this die is so great.  In the samples there are a lot of other HoneyBee items used.  If you want, I can put up the other items next for a pre order. Just send me an email.  If you have any questions, please email me.  

Please send your preorder list of what you want to order to

All preorders will get a confirmation email. If I don't respond, then I didn't get your email. 😬 (Please resend.)

Please include your zip code if you are not a regular customer.
Shipping is just actual shipping rates. Please remember that I try to combine orders for you to save on postage whenever possible.

When your items are in, a PayPal invoice will be sent.

Beach Break A2 Cover Die Set  $21.95

Remember, if there are any items in the samples you want, let me know and I will put them up for pre order.

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